Manage your mortgage

Providing better signposting for existing customers

Skills required: data analysis, UX design, UI design, design system, prototyping

Outcome: Clearer direction to the right areas of the site.

The problem

The business had identified that a number of existing customers were finding it hard to access some of the key journeys and complete key tasks managing their mortgage account.

One in particular was existing customers wanting to switch to a new deal. Many would find themselves in the journey for new customers.

Review and evaluation

Evaluating the site it became clear there were a large number of tools and links available to existing customers for all the tasks required to manage their mortgage, but some improvements could be made to bring them together and make them easier to find.

By providing a clear route in to the right journeys for existing customers we could reduce effort and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Design and prototyping

The design required the creation and adaption of components within the design system. It was essential these changes were stress tested to ensure they could be reusable across all product areas.


Due to the nature of the change we chose to build and release the update to a small percentage of traffic initially. After closely monitoring the analytics we could see the impact and confidently increase to all customers.

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